The University of Nebraska System: A $6.4 billion annual economic engine for the state@headingTag>
For over 150 years, the University of Nebraska has served the citizens of the state through high-quality, affordable education; research that improves quality of life; and engagement with citizens in every county. Thanks to its partnership with the state and support from the private sector, the university has been successful in fulfilling its responsibility to Nebraskans.
Today the University of Nebraska is in a strong position to help grow Nebraska for the future. The NU System’s four campuses are major economic drivers, providing over 11,000 graduates annually for the workforce, conducting and commercializing innovative research, delivering high-quality clinical care and leveraging partnerships to attract talent and create jobs. The university also contributes to a thriving arts and cultural community in Nebraska.
The university engaged Tripp Umbach, a leading national consultant, to conduct an independent analysis of the University of Nebraska’s impact on the state’s economic and social vitality. Tripp Umbach’s analysis demonstrates that the university’s impact is significant and far-reaching. The NU System’s academic activities have an annual impact of $6.4 billion on Nebraska’s economy, and the university supports over 52,000 jobs in the state.
In addition, 1 out of every 7 working-age Nebraskans has a University of Nebraska degree. The accumulated impact of former students grow the state’s earning power by nearly $3.5 billion annually. This puts Nebraskans in a stronger position to hold good jobs, support their families and contribute to their communities.
Beyond the data, the university touches virtually every Nebraskan. It may be through providing an opportunity for a first-generation student to earn a degree, providing care for a cancer patient, supporting an aspiring entrepreneur, or advancing agricultural productivity. The University of Nebraska plays a vital role in the state’s economic success and quality of life, helping Nebraska to be successful.
2025 Economic Impact Report
This is the fourth time that the university has engaged Tripp Umbach, a leading national consultant with expertise in economic impact studies, to conduct an independent analysis of the University of Nebraska’s impact. Studies have been done every three years.
You can read the full report, the Board presentation, and a one-pager below.
Economic Impact News and Media Mentions
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